تحلل الدهون في الفك في اسطنبول

Jaw Lipolysis

Are you tired of excess fat deposits ruining the appearance of your jawline? Look no further than Jaw Lipolysis.

Jaw lipolysis, also known as jawline contouring or liposuction, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that can contour and sculpt your facial features to perfection. This technique involves specialized tools breaking down and removing stubborn pockets of fat in the targeted area.

The jaw lipolysis process is simple: with just a small incision made near inconspicuous locations like behind earlobes or under chins, thin cannulas are inserted into these openings to gently suction out unwanted fatty tissue. The back-and-forth motion loosens up cells for easy removal using vacuum-like devices.

Jaw lipolysis offers quick recovery times compared to more invasive surgical procedures while providing stunning results such as defining and refining one’s natural bone structure – giving it an aesthetically pleasing look. It’s important not only because it enhances beauty but also improves self-confidence!

It should be noted that although Jaw Lipolysis isn’t meant for weight-loss purposes; rather focusing on enhancing facial contours by eliminating localized fats from specific areas where they’re resistant against diet/exercise efforts- making ideal candidates those who have good skin elasticity and general health conditions!

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What is lipolysis treatment?

Lipolysis treatment, also known as injection lipolysis or lipodissolve, is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure designed to reduce localised fat deposits in specific areas of the body. It involves injecting a specialised solution into targeted fat cells. The solution typically contains a combination of substances such as phosphatidylcholine (PC) and deoxycholate (DC), which are believed to break down fat cells.
The injected solution disrupts fat cell membranes, causing the fat cells to release their contents. Over time, the body metabolises and eliminates this released fat. Lipolysis treatment is primarily used for body contouring and to reduce the appearance of stubborn pockets of fat that do not respond well to diet and exercise.

How long do jaw slimming injections last?

Jaw slimming injections typically last between 3 to 6 months, but individual results may vary. Follow-up treatments are usually recommended to maintain the desired results. It’s important to consult with a qualified professional for personalized advice based on your specific needs.

Does fat dissolving injections work on jaw?

Yes, fat dissolving injections can be used to target and reduce excess fat in the jaw area. These injections typically contain a substance called deoxycholic acid, which is injected into the targeted area to break down and destroy fat cells.
When administered correctly by a qualified healthcare professional, fat dissolving injections can be effective in reducing the appearance of a double chin or excess fat along the jawline. The deoxycholic acid works to disrupt the fat cell membranes, leading to the gradual breakdown and elimination of the fat cells by the body’s natural processes.

Contact us now in case you have any questions!

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