Stomach reduction without surgery
Are you struggling to lose weight with diet and exercise? Stomach reduction without surgery may be the solution for you.
This minimally invasive procedure involves injecting the relaxant into your stomach muscles wall. It uses an endoscope inserted through your mouth.
It works by immobilising these muscles for up to three months. It slows down digestion and provides a quicker, longer lasting feeling of fullness. So, you’ll get a stomach reduction without surgery. You may consider this surgery if lifestyle changes haven’t worked so far. Muscle relaxants reduce obesity-related illnesses risks like MS, hypertension, diabetes, stroke, sleep apnoea and heart disease.
Recovery is fast. Once the sedation is over, you can expect less feeling of hunger and faster feeling of fullness within 10 days! This is perfect choice for weight loss without surgery.

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What are muscle relaxant gastric injections?
Muscle relaxant gastric injections, also known as gastric neuromodulator injections or gastric pyloric injections, are a medical procedure used to treat certain gastrointestinal conditions, such as gastroparesis or chronic refractory nausea and vomiting. These injections involve the administration of muscle relaxant medications directly into the pylorus, which is the muscular valve that controls the passage of food from the stomach to the small intestine.
How are muscle relaxant gastric injections done?
Muscle relaxant gastric injections are a medical procedure used to treat gastrointestinal conditions like gastroparesis or obesity.
The procedure involves a pre-procedure evaluation to assess the patient’s suitability. During the procedure, the patient is sedated, and an endoscope is inserted into the stomach. Using the endoscope as guidance, small amounts of muscle relaxant are injected into specific areas of the stomach lining.
The muscle relaxant temporarily paralyzes the stomach muscles, reducing contractions and promoting relaxation. So patient can get a stomach reduction without surgery. After the injections, the endoscope is removed, and the patient is monitored briefly before being allowed to go home.
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