Wisdom Teeth

Dental Treatments

If you’re looking for a way to laugh naturally, Wisdom Teeth treatment may be the perfect choice.

As we age, our bodies go through many changes. One of these is the emergence of wisdom teeth – also known as third molars. These latecomers are located at the back corners of your mouth and usually appear between 17 to 25 years old.

While some people may never develop them or have more than four, others experience problems when their teeth become impacted – meaning they don’t fully emerge from beneath the gum line. This can lead to pain, swelling and even infection that could affect not only those wayward chompers but neighboring ones too!

It’s no wonder then why dentists recommend having problematic wisdom teeth removed before they cause any further issues such as misalignment in other parts of your jawline! However, it should be noted that extraction isn’t always necessary for everyone; each case must be evaluated individually by a professional dentist or oral surgeon who will determine if removal is needed based on specific circumstances unique to you alone!

All you need to know about dental treatment, including price, aftercare and healing process, or contact us!

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When wisdom teeth grow?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, typically start to grow in during the late teenage years or early twenties. The exact timing can vary from person to person. Some individuals may have their wisdom tooth fully erupted and in proper alignment, while others may experience problems such as impacted wisdom tooth, which are unable to fully emerge due to lack of space in the jaw. If you have concerns, it is recommended to consult with a dentist or oral surgeon for an evaluation.

How wisdom teeth is removed?

Wisdom teeth removal involves an examination, X-rays, anesthesia, incision, extraction, cleaning, and possible stitching. Post-operative care includes managing swelling and discomfort. The procedure’s complexity depends on the teeth’s condition.

Can wisdom teeth cause ear pain?

Yes, impacted or inflamed wisdom teeth can cause ear pain due to the proximity of the nerves. It’s advisable to seek professional evaluation from a dentist or oral surgeon to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

Can wisdom teeth cause headaches?

Yes, wisdom teeth can sometimes cause headaches. When they are impacted or erupting in an improper position, they can exert pressure on surrounding structures, including the jaw, sinuses, and nerves. This pressure and inflammation can lead to headache symptoms, including tension headaches or referred pain to other areas of the head. If you’re experiencing persistent headaches and suspect they may be related to your teeth, it’s recommended to consult with a dental professional for an examination and appropriate treatment recommendations.


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