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Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums are typically observed while brushing or flossing your teeth.

The occurrence of bleeding gums can stem from various factors, including gum inflammation or infection. Inadequate oral hygiene practices, tartar buildup, improper brushing methods and even gum disease may all lead to this unwelcome symptom.

Although it is usually mild in nature, there are instances where the bleeding becomes severe and could result in mouth sores.

To address this issue effectively, persons with such symptoms should seek professional advice from a dentist regarding their overall gum health. Furthermore, improving one’s daily dental routine by regularly brushing and flossing along with other good habits will help reduce the likelihood of experiencing further issues related to bleeding gums whilst promoting healthy ones instead!

All you need to know about dental treatments, including price, aftercare and healing process, or contact us!

Bleeding gums


Can Vitamin C stop the bleeding of the gums?

Taking vitamin C can help stop bleeding gums caused by a vitamin C deficiency, but persistent or excessive bleeding gums should be evaluated by a doctor.

How do you treat bleeding gums?

It can be treated by good oral hygiene, e.g. regular brushing, flossing and antiseptic mouthwash. Teeth should be professionally cleaned regularly by a dentist. This person will also investigate whether gum disease is the cause of the bleeding.

When should I be worried about bleeding of the gums?

You should be worried if the bleeding is persistent, bleed excessively or are accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, swelling or bad breath. These may be signs of gum disease. Your dentist will be able to help you.


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