Skin Cleansing

Beauty Treatment

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of impurities, acne and black spots, Skin Cleansing may be the best solution.

This procedure is for those who want to always look well-groomed and beautiful. Who wants to have a healthy and radiant complexion.

  • Mechanical face cleansing
    This is the most common type of facial cleansing. The cosmetologist first cleanses the skin and opens the pores with the help of special procedures and professional cosmetics. Then manually removes comedones (“black dots”).
    If the formations (pimples) are more complex, the doctor makes small punctures with a thin medical needle so that “closed” comedones can come out without damaging the skin. Traces of such intervention do not remain. Mechanical facial cleansing is the most effective way to remove all impurities from the skin of the face.
  • Ultrasonic face cleansing
    This is skin cleansing using a special apparatus (“ultrasonic scrubber”). The device allows ultrasonic waves to penetrate deep into the skin and cleanse the dermis of all kinds of impurities, sebum, comedones and dead cells. This is a completely painless procedure that leaves no visible marks. After the session, the skin will look fresh, clean and healthy.
  • Vacuum face cleansing
    This procedure is carried out using a vacuum therapy device. A special nozzle (vacuum tube) draws in all the contents from the previously cleaned pores. The session is absolutely painless, it can be carried out on the skin with large pores (with an average degree of contamination).
    Such deep cleansing improves blood circulation (due to vacuum massage), and as a result, the complexion. If there are deep pimples or blackheads on the face, then mechanical cleaning will be required in addition.
  • HydraFacial cleansing
    It is a gentle, non-invasive, comprehensive skin rejuvenation treatment that delivers visible, dramatic results. It includes 3 stages: cleansing, extraction (peeling) and detox (deep hydration and saturation with antioxidants).


After mechanical cleaning of the face, you should not wash your face for at least 12 hours, you should also not use cosmetics and apply makeup. Within 3 days it will be necessary to wipe the skin of the face with an antiseptic (anti-inflammatory) lotion.

It is also necessary to be prepared for the fact that the restoration of facial skin after cleaning (especially mechanical) may take some time – from a day to 2 – 3 days. The main thing is that the result is worth it!

Everything about classic cosmetology, including price, aftercare and more, contact us!


What is skin cleansing?

Skin cleansing is the process of removing dirt, impurities, and excess oil from the skin to promote a healthy and clear complexion.

Why is skin cleansing important?

Skin cleansing is important to prepare the skin for the absorption of skincare products. It allows them to work more effectively and deliver optimal results.

What are the types of skin cleansing?

Mechanical face cleansing, Ultrasonic face cleansing, Vacuum face cleansing, HydraFacial cleansing are types pf skin cleansing.

Contact us now in case you have any questions!

Methods, Price, Costs & Clinics 2025

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