Non-surgery operations

Prices & Costs for Permanent Makeup, Hair, Nails & Eyelashes in 2024

Unleash your beauty potential with the power of non-surgical cosmetic procedures!

non-surgery operations in Istanbul in Turkey

Non-surgical operations like prosthetic nails faux eyelashes hair extensions microblading as well as microshading provide non-invasive methods to improve appearance. The prosthetic nail are synthetic extensions that are applied to natural nails.

False eyelashes can provide longer as well as longer eyelashes. The extensions give the length of natural hair and increase its volume. Microblading and shading enhance eyebrows by using semi-permanent techniques.

Contact us. Your personal consultant will be there to guide and assist you throughout the procedure!

Along with MedClinics you can find the most effective treatment and Non-Surgery Operation to suit your needs. We will go over all the details and assist you locate the best beauty salon to meet your specific requirements.

Prices & Costs for Permanent Makeup, Hair, Nails & Eyelashes in 2024

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