Best Hair Transplant Clinics in ISTANBUL, TURKEY | Surgeons & Prices

Your journey to full hair in Istanbul…

If you suffer from thin hair or start to be bald, you have come to the right place.

Istanbul has been the secret capital of hair transplants for a long time!

Read everything you need to know about it here. The most popular methods are hair, eyebrow, and beard transplants. These surgical operations aim to repair the body parts affected by hair loss. You can regain your self-confidence and get rid of several complexes that interfere with normal life.

Let’s get started!

If you have any questions, just contact us and let us help you! We are looking forward to your call!

Best Hair Transplant Clinics in Istanbul

It is the largest hair clinic in the world and even has integrated Elit-Hotel rooms, which offers patients an exclusive and comfortable stay.
15 Years of experience
Turkeyana Clinic considers beauty as a universal principle of soul and body and a “natural, integrated image”.
11 Years of experience
Well-known healthcare brand, that offers top-notch medical care in accordance with worldwide standards.
32 Years of experience
SoracaMed Clinic is a healthcare institution that believes everyone deserves accessible and affordable health and beauty services.
3 Years of experience
Smile Hair Clinic was established in 2018 and is located on the Asian side of Istanbul in the up-and-coming Ataşehir district.
6 Years of experience

So What Is Hairtransplant?

  • Hair transplant is the transplantation of hair grafts from the donor area to the hairless area. The area can be thinned or completely bald.

Types of Hair Transplantation Surgery

Treatment Plan

Hair transplant is performed as:

  • Hair transplantation on the scalp
  • Eyebrow transplant
  • Beard transplant or mustache transplant

Hair Transplantation for:

  • Those with balding or thinning hair.
  • Those with receding hairline, sparse eyebrows, and beard/mustache.
  • Those with traction alopecia.
  • Those who have lost their hair due to head, eyebrow, or beard trauma.

Duration of hair transplant:

  • Hair transplantation usually takes 4–8 hours.
  • Total treatment takes 2–3 days.

Recovery Timeline for hair transplant:

  • Return to light daily activities after two days.
  • Return to the office in a week.
  • Redness and scabs should disappear in 2-3 weeks.
  • After 10 days, you can wear soft hats and baseball caps.
  • You should wait at least four weeks before putting on your helmet again.
  • Exercise, including swimming, one month after treatment.

Possible Risks

  • Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Swelling or redness of the scalp/or forehead

Aftercare & Healing Process

Hair Transplant Aftercare

Of course, we will continue to look after you after your treatment!
Our medical consultants will be with you for 1 year after the operation. If you need help or have any questions, you can contact our staff 24/7. We will ask you to send us pictures so that we can see the progress at 2 weeks, 2 months, 6 months, and 1 year after the transplant.

Hair Transplant Healing Process

After a hair follicle transplant, the healing process can take between 6 and 12 months.
During the first two weeks, the donor area and the transplant site may be slightly sore. There may be visible scabs. However, this should gradually improve during the second week. It’s important to note that hair will fall out after 10-20 days. This is a normal and temporary part of the process, affecting up to 90% of transplanted hair and possibly some natural hair near the donor site.

To improve and stimulate hair growth, some clinics may recommend a course of platelet-rich plasma treatment. Between the second and fourth month after treatment, hair growth may be slow, usually around 5%. However, by the fourth month, you should notice that about 20-25% of the newly transplanted hairs are starting to grow. By the sixth month, you should see about 40-50% new hair growth.

Between the sixth and ninth months, your transplanted hair should grow by about 75%. After the ninth month, your transplanted hair should continue to grow, usually to the final 25%. However, it’s important to note that in some cases, it can take up to 18 months after surgery for hair to fully regrow on the crown.

When will I see the final result?

You must be a little bit patient. After the first weeks you will notice, that the hair falls out, but please don’t panic, that’s the normal process. Afterward, your hair will grow. However, until you see the final result, it may take 6 – 9 months.

Hair Transplant Cost in İstanbul, Turkey

Hair transplantation cost in Turkey are cheaper than in other countries. The prices for FUE hair transplantation in Istanbul range from 1700 to 3500€. If you choose the DHI method, it will cost about 20% more.

You should know that hair transplant cost in Turkey can depend on the experience of the surgeon, the technique, and the number of grafts needed.

Prices compared to other countries, 2024

In general, hair transplant surgery in Turkey is much cheaper than other countries.

For example, the average hair transplant surgery cost in the United States starts from €12,500. In the United Kingdom, the cost starts from 10.000 €. On the other hand, in Istanbul, Turkey, which is a popular destination for hair transplant surgery, the cost starts from 1.700 €.

Hair TransplantHair Transplant Cost in TurkeyHair Transplant Cost in GermanyHair Transplant Cost in the UKHair Transplant Cost in USA
Hair Transplantstarts from
1.700 €
starts from
7.000 €
starts from
10.000 €
starts from
12.500 €


What are the advantages of hair transplant in Turkey?

You save money and costs, benefit from international quality and avoid long waiting times. In Turkey, you get the appointment for your hair transplantation at short notice, in Germany you have to wait for weeks. The short flight time from Europe is another advantage.

Is it safe to have hair transplantation in Turkey?

With over 2 million medical tourists per year, Turkey is one of the three world leaders in health tourism. Experienced doctors, together with a professional team, take care of patients expertly and competently. With approximately 86 million population, Turkey ranks 17th in the world in terms of population. Doctors have a lot of practical experience compared to other countries, which makes them competent professionals. It is safe to get your hair transplant in Turkey.

Which hair transplant is the best?

Currently, the FUE method is considered the best. FUE is the abbreviation for Follicular Unit Extraction. The method is not as invasive as the traditional transplant method, does not leave scars, and does not require stitches. This method also allows to transplant the maximum possible grafts – up to 5.000.

What is FUE method?

FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction. The most preferred method for hair transplant. With this technique, the grafts in the donor area are collected individually, then the channels for future hair are opened and the hair is transplanted into the recipient area one by one. This technique allows you to take the largest amount of donor hair and minimize the percentage of rejects when removing the grafts. The FUE technique is painless.

Which method is better: FUE or DHI?

The FUE method is suitable for people who need to transplant a large amount of hair onto large areas of the head, beard or eyebrow. It is possible to transplant the maximum amount of hair like this, up to 5 thousand hairs. The DHI method is ideal for people with small bald patches who need to thicken their hair a little, as this method allows only up to 2 thousand hairs to be transplanted.

What aftercare does a hair transplant need?

Hair transplantation does not require aftercare in literal sense, but there are some points that you should pay attention to. For example, you should avoid alcohol and cigarettes for a week before and after the operation, sleep only on your back for minimum one week to avoid excess swelling, wash your hair only with the special shampoo you will receive from our clinic for a month, and avoid heavy physical exertion for the first 2 weeks after the transplant. Your attending physician will talk with you about further details.

Is Hair Transplantation painful?

Since the procedure is performed under general or local anaesthesia, the patient does not experience any pain during the operation. In the first few days after the operation, slight pain may occur, but this can be treated well with conventional painkillers.

How many of transplanted hairs take root?

On average, up to 90% of transplanted grafts take root. But everything strongly depends on the qualifications of the doctor and the condition of the patient. After a couple of weeks, some of the transplanted hair will fall out. This is a natural renewal, only the hairs fall out, the follicles remain in place. 100% survival rate is a myth, since 3-6% of follicles are lost even before transplantation.

Do Eyebrow transplants keep growing?

The transplanted hair will grow like it’s still on the back of the scalp. While most eyebrows stop growing when they are about 1 cm long or shorter, transplanted hair will keep growing.

How many grafts are needed for eyebrow transplant?

A standard eyebrow transplant procedure typically requires 50 to 100 hair grafts, but it could be more depending on the patient’s condition.

Can women also have a hair transplant?

Yes, of course. A hair transplant can also be performed for women. In most cases, women prefer a transplant without shaving. With this method, only a small area in the donor area is shaved, which is completely covered by the remaining hair.


The history of surgical hair replacement in humans originates in Asia,

Japanese doctor Shoji Okuda described the principles of modern hair transplantation in 1939, but only used small grafts for certain types of hair loss and kept his notes in ancient Chinese characters. Professor Tamura in Japan also had success with small grafts in 1943, but the Second World War prevented widespread knowledge of his technique.

In the West, Dr Norman Orentreich pioneered hair transplantation for androgenetic alopecia with larger grafts in 1959, but was unaware of the Japanese techniques. The concept of follicular units was introduced in 1980 and the American surgeons Birnstein and Rossman developed the FUE technique in 1995-2000. The FUE technique involves the removal of hair units directly from the skin using small punches.

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