All You Need to Know About Dental Aesthetics

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Turkey is the one of the most developed and most preferred countries for dental aesthetics in the world.

Hospitals equipped with the latest devices and technologies, as well as the world-renowned experts accompanying them, and the very reasonable prices make Turkey such a center of health.
This article includes processes related to dental implants, veneers, orthodontics and smile design work, the healing processes.

Dental Aesthetics in Turkey in Istanbul

The Importance of Dental Health and Aesthetics

Teeth are very important.

It is because of this importance that teeth are taught as the things that needed to pay regular attention in body about health since childhood.

Brushing teeth becomes as much a part of daily life as eating. It continues to be a part of daily life throughout life and contributes to our dental aesthetic.

What are Dental Implants?

Over time, teeth may fall out for different reasons.

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root placed in the jawbone in order to restore the function and aesthetics of the missing teeth in its simplest form.

Teeth that fall out for various reasons cause problems both in terms of health and aesthetics. Because teeth are very important in nutrition and in relationships with other people. In addition, there is a point that other teeth are also activated in order to fill the gap formed as a result of tooth loss. When this happens, healthy teeth also begin to wobble over time and more teeth fall out. To prevent these, dental implants are vital and improve quality of life.

Issues to Take into Account in Dental Implants

As in every surgical procedure, there are important issues that determine how the implants will be made in dental implants.

These can determine both the procedure and the healing process.

The first of these is bone density. Depending on age or different ailments or medications used can cause a decrease in bone density. In such cases, bone powder is added. During the implant operation, the doctor makes this supplement, which helps the dental implant to adhere to the bone tissue in a shorter time and better.

Another issue in implant application is the gingiva. A healthy gum is pink and nicely envelops the roots of the teeth. However, in some cases, tooth loss may occur as a result of receding gums. In such cases, gingival surgery is also performed during implantation. At the end of the gingival operation, both the dental implant and the place of the prosthesis on the implant are strengthened.

Dental Implant Procedure

Who are Suitable for Dental Implants?

Patients must be over the age of 18 for implant treatment.

The main reason for this is that the jaw and face development must be completed.

Of course, all this is clearly understood as a result of the examinations and x-rays taken.

In addition, people with diabetes must have the disease under control before implant treatment. In those who use blood thinners, the drugs are discontinued before the treatment. People with osteoporosis first receive treatment for this disease, and then they can receive implant treatment.

Dental Implant Procedure

Implant treatment is performed with local anesthesia or light sedation.

Before the procedure, of course, a detailed examination is performed and x-rays are taken.

Measurements of the jaw bones and remaining teeth, if any, are taken. There are two options for placing dental implants.

In the one-step procedure, a temporary cap is attached after the implant is placed. In the two-stage process, after the dental implant is placed, it is covered with the gum and left to heal. Prosthetic heads are then attached.

In both cases, a temporary bridge is placed and a healing period of 3 months for the lower jaw and 6 months for the upper jaw is expected. Sometimes newly made teeth can be placed on dental implants immediately. Since there is bone deficiency, the waiting time may be longer for implants made in areas where new bone is formed. After the healing process, measurements are taken and the planned prosthesis is made.

Healing Process for Dental Implants

After the implant is placed, the teeth usually heal within 1–2 months, but it may take 2–3 months to fit the dental prostheses.

It is normal to see swelling in these areas after the implants are inserted. The best way to reduce these swellings is to put ice on the area where the implants are, from the outside of the mouth, on the top of the cheek. Doing this for 3 to 5 minutes at 10-minute intervals helps reduce swelling.

Things Should Be Careful About with Dental Implants

Dental Implants in Turkey in İstanbul

The implant is ultimately a surgical operation.

In other words, the gums are opened and the implants are then closed to the sutures.

Therefore, it is necessary to be careful not to damage these sutures during the healing process and not to apply pressure to that area.

After the implants are inserted, it needed to pay attention to nutrition for a few months. In order to spend this period, which is the process of fusion of the implant with the jawbone, in the best way, it is necessary to stay away from extremely hot and cold foods.

Patients should also stay away from solid foods. The best foods to consume during this period include yogurt at room temperature, cheese, milk, soft-cooked eggs and meat, soup varieties, freshly squeezed fruit juices from fruits such as kiwi, apples and strawberries, and soft foods such as custard and the inside of the bread.

Also alcohol and cigarettes consuming after the implants are inserted also negatively affect the healing process.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneer is briefly called covering the teeth with certain materials and bridges.

Tooth coating is done for functional, that is, health or aesthetic purposes.

In cases where it is not performed for aesthetic purposes, it can be used in many processes such as dental caries, broken tooth filling, tooth extraction and treatment of cavities in the mouth. In cases where dental veneers are made for functional purposes, if there is a missing tooth and this area cannot be treated with implants, the teeth on the right and left are reduced, and bridge operation is performed.

This process is a coating process. If there is a lot of material loss or large fractures and abrasions in the teeth, coating can be applied again to protect and strengthen the function of the teeth.

These coating processes can also be done for aesthetic purposes, as I said above. Especially in cases where there is excessive discoloration of the teeth or there are serious problems in the form, veneer can be applied. In this case, different techniques are applied according to each case.

Types of Dental Veneers

Since the dental veneer process has been widely preferred in recent years, there are many types.

Tooth coating process is carried out with the understanding between the needs and demands of the person who will have the coating with the recommendations of the dentist. Since each dental veneer has different features and costs, the person considers them; the doctor will recommend the most suitable type of coating for the person.

Dental Implants Near Me

To state these recommendations of the dentist are very important because in this way, better choice for the coating will be made. Types of dental veneers are:

  • Porcelain laminate veneer
  • Full porcelain coating (Empress)
  • Zirconium coating
  • Metal backed coating

Among these, zirconium coating is becoming more and more common in terms of both material quality and compatibility.

How are Dental Veneers Applied?

After the examination, the first step is to decide which type of coating will be applied.

After this decision is made, the measurements of the teeth are taken and then the teeth are cleaned.

During this dental cleaning, molds are placed on the teeth at certain intervals. The purpose of these molds, which are placed on the teeth, is to understand whether the tooth has come to the required shape.

If the tooth does not fit in the mold properly, the doctor corrects the shape of the tooth after removing the mold. This process continues until the teeth are fully seated or placed in the mold. After the veneer is placed on the tooth, the veneer is placed on the tooth with the help of special adhesives. In this way, the tooth regains its new state.

If everything is suitable for dental veneer, all the procedures are usually completed in 3 sessions. However, in cases where the patient’s condition is favorable, the doctor can finish the coating process in 2 sessions. In order to ensure a better and healthier fit of the coating, 2 or 3 days are usually placed between these sessions.

What You Should Pay Attention to after Dental Veneers

The first recommendation is to follow your doctor’s instructions so that your healing process is comfortable and fast after dental veneer.

According to the treatments performed, the points to be considered after the coating are as follows:

  • It should considered the veneers like normal teeth and brushed at least 2 times a day.
  • It is recommended to use dental floss as food residues may remain under the veneers.
  • It is best for dental health to go to regular check-ups twice a year.
  • It is normal to have tingling at first and will pass over time. Otherwise, it should consulted doctor.
  • Doctor can temporarily bond the teeth. But this does not mean that the teeth will always fall out. After trial use, doctor permanently bonds the teeth.
  • Patients should be careful with extremely hard foods. They should not break the shells of foods such as walnuts and hazelnuts with their teeth.
  • The coatings may seem big in mouth at first. This is because there are no teeth in that area for a long time. To get used to the coatings takes within 15 days at the latest.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontic Treatment in Turkey in İstanbul

The branch of dentistry that deals with tooth irregularities is called Orthodontics.

Orthodontic treatment helps the development of the jaw in young children, helps the teeth to be in the correct positions, and in adults, it provides correction of crowding and closing irregularities, as well as maxillofacial disorders.

Most people resort to orthodontic treatment because of aesthetic concerns. However, tooth crowding can cause many problems besides aesthetics. Closure disorders in the jaw called malocclusion are not only an aesthetic problem, but also cause chewing and speech disorders. That’s why orthodontic treatment is one of the most common dental treatments.

Crowded tooth structure can be inherited from the family, and problems in the ear, nose and throat area can cause the structure of the teeth to deteriorate and the jaw bones to enter into unwanted forms. Problems such as thumb sucking, using a pacifier for a long time, tongue sucking, pen biting can also disrupt the structure of the teeth.

Suitable Ages for Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment can be applied for almost any age, but the important thing is at what stage and in what form the disorder occurs.

If the disorder is caused only by tooth crowding, treatment can be started at any age. However, if there is a skeletal problem, it is generally expected that the puberty period will end and the person will complete his/her development.

Orthodontic treatment is carried out together with surgical operations for skeletal problems in adulthood. Transparent brackets, back braces and transparent molds are now used for tooth crowding. Transparent braces have completely eliminated the problem of the appearance of braces, which is one of the most avoided issues in the treatment phase of patients with problems in the alignment of their teeth.

Orthodontic Treatment Procedure

Orthodontic treatment consists of several stages.

The first stage, of course, consists of orthodontist examining and informing about the size of the problems in teeth and the treatments.

At this stage, the doctor advises the person on how to choose a treatment for treatment.

Next comes the preparation phase. During the preparation phase, the necessary conditions for orthodontics are provided. Hygiene comes first among these conditions. It is checked whether there is caries in the mouth and if there is, it is treated.

After the preparation phase comes the planning phase. Options are discussed at this stage. The reason why there is more than one option is that orthodontic treatment is a treatment method that varies from patient to patient. These vary according to the person’s jaw, teeth and mouth structure.

When the treatment phase begins, a retractor is inserted into the mouth. The purpose of this is to keep the patient’s mouth open throughout the treatment process and to make it easier for the orthodontist to do his job. Then, brackets are attached to the teeth with adhesive, and then arch wires are passed between them. Then the tires are mounted. This method is made possible by new technologies.

In the continuation of the treatment, the molds of the patient whose mouth measurements were taken are prepared. After the correct controls are made, braces or clear aligners can be worn in the mouth.

Healing Process in Orthodontic Treatment

One of the most curious about long-term treatment processes such as orthodontics is the healing process.

Because in addition to the discomfort of braces, people who are uncomfortable with the appearance may tend to reduce their social life to a minimum.

However, at the last point reached, both the treatment times have been shortened and the image problem has been greatly reduced as a result of developments such as transparent wires.

The most important thing in the healing process is to follow doctor’s recommendations. The duration of orthodontic treatment varies from person to person and according to the treatment method. Although treatment times are shortened today, an average treatment lasts between 22-24 months. Of course, the time can be shortened in simple cases, and it can be prolonged in complicated cases.

What You Should Pay Attention to in Orthodontic Treatment

After stating that the most important thing should be paid attention to is to follow doctor’s recommendations and to go to regular check-ups, the other issues will be stated as follows.

  • Beverages such as ready-made acidic drinks, carbonated, sugary fruit juices and cola will cause tooth decay, so should be avoided from them.
  • Since foods that stick to the teeth, such as candy and gum, damage the teeth and brackets, it is recommended not to eat or chew them.
  • Should not be eaten the hard parts of foods such as sandwiches, toast, pizza, pita, and should be eaten the parts that are not hard, not by tearing them with teeth, but as bites.
  • It is important for health to eat fruits by chopping them, not by biting them.
  • Foods such as nuts, chips, and popcorn should not be consumed.
  • Boneless chicken and meat should be eaten by separating them with a fork and knife.
  • Dental care is very important during the treatment. Teeth should be brushed with an orthodontic toothbrush at least twice a day, and floss should be used.
  • It is normal to feel pain while getting used to the wires and brackets, and this takes a maximum of 1 week.

What is Hollywood Smile?

Face and smile are the most striking aspects of relationships in daily life.

Therefore, having a beautiful smile makes life beautiful. A beautiful smile is not just about white and regular teeth.

Hollywood Smile, one of the types of smile design, aims to present people with the smile of Hollywood stars.

The goal in Hollywood smile design is to correct the existing tooth structure of the person with porcelain veneer, to provide a healthy and white smile as a result of eliminating the incompatibility between the gums and teeth with gingival aesthetic applications.

Porcelain veneers, teeth whitening and implant applications are performed for the Hollywood smile. Within the scope of porcelain veneer application, tooth surfaces may need to be abraded very slightly. Then, leaf porcelain veneer is applied to the front parts of the teeth, and thus a whiter, smoother and brighter tooth appearance can be obtained.

In teeth whitening, the most suitable tooth whitening method is preferred and the teeth are given a whiter appearance. If the whiteness of the teeth is sufficient, this procedure is not performed.

Implants do not need to be performed on every patient. However, in order for this smile design to be perfect, missing teeth must be removed. In this case, implant treatment comes into play.

Criteria in Hollywood Smile

Hollywood Smile aims to give people the perfect smile and there are criteria for that perfect smile.

These criteria can be also called the common points shared by people with aesthetically perfect smiles.

These are the points that are considered during the procedures and that will determine smile. However, all these criteria depend on the face structure of the person and are tailored to the individual during the procedure can be stated. These criteria can be counted as follows:

  • The first aesthetic criterion is that the anterior teeth appear 1.5-2 mm when the lips are in a free position and the mouth is slightly ajar. According to aesthetic criteria, this image gives a younger expression to the face.
  • The second aesthetic criterion is the absence of dark areas in the corners of the lips when people laugh. While creating a Hollywood smile, the teeth are designed slightly more angled outward, thus ensuring that there are no dark areas.
  • Another criterion is that when people smile, our teeth follow the lower lip line, that is, the curve formed by the lower lip.
  • Another criterion is the correct determination of the ratios between the teeth. This ratio is of great importance as each of teeth is located with other teeth.
  • Finally, to add that Hollywood Smile was prepared considering all these criteria, as well as the person’s own face shape and jaw structure.
Orthodontics in Turkey in İstanbul

How Long the Hollywood Smile Procedure Take?

It is not possible to give the exact time for Hollywood Smile as there are several stages and several processes.

Gum diseases are primarily treated for Hollywood Smile.

Missing teeth are completed with implants. Laminate porcelain process takes 5-10 days depending on the number of teeth to be coated, and 7-14 days if veneer will be made with zirconium porcelain. In addition, these times may change due to other corrections that may arise.


What is aesthetics in dental?

Health problems related to teeth also affect the aesthetics. For example, weakness in the tooth plate disrupts the smile by yellowing teeth. Therefore, eliminating this health problem makes the appearance beautiful.

What is the difference between aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a field that focuses on the beauty of the integrity of the teeth. Compared to other dentistry types, its greatest focus is purely on the appearance.

What is an example of aesthetic dentistry?

Dental Implant Procedure

Teeth are one of the most important parts of the face. People simply want their smiles to be beautiful for a better appearance. Aesthetic dentistry is all of the procedures for the beauty of the appearance of the teeth.

What is the importance of aesthetics in dentistry?

Dental health is as important as the appearance of the teeth. Therefore, when performing a dental procedure, attention should be paid to the aesthetic of the teeth as well as to their health.

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